Created in 2011, LANEF brings together NEEL institute and four other labs in Grenoble (G2ELAB, LNCMI, LPMMC and INAC) whose principal activity is basic research in condensed matter physics, nanoscience, energy & power, in order to strengthen the synergy around nine areas of research in which the alliance of the partners built an expertise of excellence.
Développement de nouvelles technologies de matrices de détecteurs haute résolution et grande sensibilité en vue d’équiper les prochaines générations de télescopes spatiaux et au sol pour les Sciences de l’Univers.
Il s’agit d’une structure nationale impliquant les laboratoires CHREA (coordinateur), CEA/INAC, Institut NEEL, IEMN, LPN, IEF, L2C et le LETI. La thématique concerne les structures semi-conductrices à base de nitrures.
ThomX is a project for a Compton source in the range of the hard X rays (40-90 keV). The final goal is to build a demonstrator providing an average flux of 1011-1013 photon/s for medical science, material science and cultural heritage applications. The ThomX project should open the prospect of the transfer of all the experimental techniques developed on large synchrotron rings to such more compact and flexible machines. This project is driven by the LAL-CNRS-Orsay laboratory, and involves 7 partners : SOLEIL, CELIA-Bordeaux, LC2RMF, Institute NEEL, ESRF and Gin. We are involved to build its dedicated X-ray line for beam characterization and for first demonstration experiments.