I am a physicist interested in the energy expenditure required to maintain complex and functionnal organization in systems and in particular in living systems. I am using mainly calorimetry to measure heat exchange. Living matter is indeed remarkably organized, this organization or fight againts entropy cost energy. The relation between this organization at equilibrium and out of equilibrium are the long term is the domain I explore in my research. I develop for that purpose instruments and methods to probe energy exchange and flow in this complex matter.
More details can be read on my research page.
As an associate professor at the University Grenoble Alpes I teach from first year student to Master 2, mostly in area related with energetics.
Since 2022 I am responsible for the second year of the Bachelor in Physics and Mechanic of the University of Grenoble Alpes (L2PM)
More details can be read on my teaching page (yet to be written).
I investigated the formalism of out of equilibrium thermodynamics by reading and developping the works of de Donder and Prigogine. In particular, with collegues we developped the formalism of the affinity to describe glass transitions.
This topic is devoted to the direct measurement of dissipation in living organisms focusing on the most elementary ones (bacteria, single cells). We focused on the development of physical tools to control these complex systems. Instrumentation to measure heat dissipation is still under developement and faces interesting challenges.
Designing microchip to measure the heat capacity of microscale sample is the focus of this research.
This last part, the most active at the current time, unites all the above and can be sumarized in very simplistic terms: playing lego mindstorm with molecules.
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Département : MCBT
Équipe : Thermodynamics and Biophysics of small systems (TPS)
Statut : Personnel Chercheur
Organisme : UGA
Position : Permanent
Email : Herve.Guillou@neel.cnrs.fr
Téléphone : 04 76 88 12 10
Bureau : E-414