Researcher in condensed matter and low temperature physics.
I joined CNRS in 2004, after a PhD on 3He physics (2D-3He and superfluid 3He) and two post-docs. (one studying electrons confined on helium films, and the other studying superconducting quantum bits). Since then, my research interests are focused on quantum fluids (3He and 4He at very low temperatures, superfluids), micro- and nano-mechanics, microwave quantum technologies and opto-mechanics. What I am particulaly interested in are model systems and fundamental aspects of physics.
More about me with my CV: CV_Collin_2024.pdf
My complete list of publications: Publications Collin_2024.pdf
Département : MCBT
Équipe : Ultra-low temperatures (UBT)
Statut : Personnel Chercheur
Organisme : CNRS
Position : Permanent
Email :
Téléphone : 04 76 88 78 31
Bureau : M-201