Researcher at Institut Néel/CNRS specializing in condensed matter physics at ultra low temperatures. Specific interests include: Nanomechanics, microwave optomechanics, continuous nuclear demagnetization refrigeration, low energy excitations in glass and general relativistic effects on decoherence.
Professional history:
Postdoc, LPS de l’École Normale Supérieure/CNRS (2011-2014). Explanation for apparent supersolidity of helium in terms of elastic effects. Observation of giant plasticity of solid helium. Solid helium as an ideal system for the study of string-like vibrating dislocations.
Postdoc, UC Berkeley (2009-2011). Low frequency flux noise in superconducting devices.
Ph.D., Cornell University (2009). Mechanical properties of amorphous solids at T<<10 mK. Interactions between tunneling two level systems in glass at ultra-low temperatures. Superfluidity of 3He in aerogel.
Département : MCBT
Équipe : Ultra-low temperatures (UBT)
Statut : Personnel Chercheur
Organisme : CNRS
Position : Permanent
Email :
Téléphone : 04 76 88 90 92
Bureau : M-103