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NanoElectronique Quantique : Mardi 18 Mai à 14h

Vincent Michal (Irig, CEA)


Zoom link : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/96994398211?pwd=WDd2dkcxaWZKRHZFUGsvWTVHS0VtUT09
Meeting ID: 918 0890 1596
Passcode: neq2pm!

Title: « Analog quantum simulation and quantum operations in quantum dot arrays »


I would like to present advances in analog quantum simulation and quantum operations in semiconductor quantum dot arrays. The first part of the seminar is about the experimental demonstration of Nagaoka’s ferromagnetism in a quantum dot plaquette, together with its theoretical description (1). In a second part I will give a theoretical analysis of recently developed dispersively probed quantum dot microwave spectroscopy techniques in silicon (2). Then I will propose perspectives for future developments in quantum science and technology in semiconductor and hybrid platforms.
(1) J. P. Dehollain, U. Mukhopadhyay, VPM, Y. Wang, B. Wunsch, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, M. S. Rudner, E. Demler, and L. M. K. Vandersypen,
Nagaoka ferromagnetism observed in a quantum dot plaquette, Nature 579, 528 (2020).
(2) R. Ezzouch, S. Zihlmann, VPM, J. Li, A. Aprá, B. Bertrand, L. Hutin, M. Vinet, M. Urdampilleta, T. Meunier, X. Jehl, Y.-M. Niquet, M. Sanquer, S. De Franceschi,
R. Maurand, Dispersively probed microwave spectroscopy of a silicon hole double quantum dot, arXiv:2012.15588.


PROCHAIN SÉMINAIRE : Mardi 25 mai à 14h – Jean François Dayen (IPCMS)