Lien Zoom :
Muon spin rotation (μSR) is an experimental technique used to measure the internal magnetic environment of a material where muons are implanted into a sample and the orientation of their spin magnetic moments measured. If an experiment is performed on a material containing Fluorine then the muons are likely to localise very close to the fluorine nuclei, forming a mixed quantum state that evolves according to the dipole-dipole interaction.
In this talk I will discuss an experiment performed on the EMU instrument at ISIS in which the implanted muons create an entangled state with two nearby Fluorine nuclei, forming the so called F-μ-F state. I will explain the methods we have employed to model this system such as the use of the Lindblad master equation and using a supercomputer to model the whole magnetic environment directly.
Following this I will discuss an experiment in which we have attempted to alter the F-μ-F state through the application of an RF field. Our results indicate that we have indeed had an effect on the occupation probabilities of the eigenstates and that the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian appears to be a good model for quantifying this effect however some questions about how best to model these results remain.