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Relation between material structure and photoluminescence properties in yttrium–aluminum borates phosphors

In this publication, we show the synthesis and properties of yttrium aluminum borate powders. We have combined structural, chemical and spectroscopic analyses to show the relationship between the matrix’s structure with the observed luminescence. We have shown that the aluminoborate is amorphous and its structure is not correlated with the observed PL. We used EPR spectroscopy of the matrix coupled with DFT calculations to demonstrate the organic nature of the luminescence by suggesting coronene or circumcoronene molecules, thus completing our first hypotheses in this field that we had proposed on others aluminum borate phosphors obtained by sol-gel process.

M. Salaün,* A.D. Sontakke, V. Maurel, J.M. Mouesca, A.L. Barra, V.F. Guimaraes, V. Montouillout, B. Viana, I. Gautier‐Luneau, and A. Ibanez

MRS Bulletin 47, 231-242 (2022)

DOI : 10.1557/s43577-021-00195-0