La présentation sera faite en anglais.
Résumé : The Kondo effect describes the screening of an impurity spin by surrounding conduction electrons at low temperatures. A quantum dot with an unpaired spin serves as a model system for this many-body phenomenon. This thesis investigates quantum dots in the Kondo regime, fabricated in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and integrated with a Fabry-Pérot interferometer. It focuses on the « Kondo cloud » of correlated electrons which extends in a large region around the dot as a result of the many-body screening process of the impurity spin.
The first part of this work examines the phase shift accumulated by electrons upon reflection from a Kondo dot, revealing a dependence on the coupling symmetry between the dot and the surrounding electron reservoirs. The second part investigates the effect of electron interference when the Fabry-Pérot cavity is comparable to the size of the Kondo cloud, revealing modulations of the Kondo temperature and an strong influence of the coupling symmetry.
In conclusion, the findings shed light on the spatial characteristics of the Kondo cloud and provide deeper insights into the formation of strong electron correlations in quantum systems.