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Condensed Matter - Low Temperatures (MCBT)

Condensed Matter – Low Temperatures (MCBT)

The research in our department is focused on new states of condensed matter and involves both theoretical work and experimental techniques at low temperatures. The condensed phases of 3He and 4He are explored as model systems for topological matter and turbulence.

“Our expertise in superconductivity, cryogenics, electronics
and crystal growth enable significant contributions
in areas ranging from biology to electrical engineering
and to cosmology.”


Le département rassemble une centaine de permanents (65 chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs, 35 ingénieurs et techniciens) et une cinquantaine de non permanents (doctorants, post-doctorants, CDD chercheurs et IT, visiteurs) regroupés en 5 équipes de recherche et 4 pôles techniques.


Department director: Virginie Simonet

Deputy director: Benoît Chabaud

Technical Adviser: Martino Calvo

Executive Assistant: Isabelle Ghez

Mail: neel.mcbt-dir@neel.cnrs.fr

Phone: +33(0) 476 88 11 85

Fax: +33(0) 476 88 71 28