The X’Press technological team provides support for research activities in structural characterization of materials by X-ray diffraction, and their synthesis, especially at high pressure and temperature: design, development and maintenance of specific instruments (presses, furnaces, X-ray diffractometers…). The fields of expertise of the staff are therefore vast and complement each other: pressure and temperature regulation, automatic control, electrotechnics, cryogenics, atmosphere control… These complementary skills enable the realization of very ambitious projects, such as the development of unique instruments for which the team is recognized on national and international levels.
The X’Press technological team has a primary mission to provide researchers with instrumental support for synthesis and characterization of materials, particularly at high pressures and temperatures (HP-HT). The synthesis platform at HP-HT is composed of 25 furnaces and 2 large volume presses capable of reaching 7 GPa and 1500 K, whereas the characterization platform includes Differential Thermal Analysis at HP (6 GPa, 1500 K), X-ray absorption in autoclaves (0.2 GPa, 1400 K), X-ray diffraction using a Paris-Edinburgh press (15 GPa, 1500 K), 2 diamond anvil cells (30 GPa, 300 K) and 10 diffractometers for powders, single crystals, thin films and nanomaterials under ambient or non-ambient conditions, from 1400 to 6 K. The fields of expertise are therefore vast and complement each other: pressure and temperature regulation, cryogenics, atmosphere control…
The X’Press team brings together an experienced staff in the proximity of the research teams and provides the training of users as well as the design, set up and maintenance of the instruments (presses, furnaces, X-ray diffractometers…) for which the team is recognized on national and international levels. The complementary skills of the staff make possible the realization of very ambitious projects, such as the development of unique instruments (for example X-ray diffraction/absorption at HP). In numerous cases, the team realizations lead to licencing contracts and patents: high pressure valves, presses, regulation, radiation shields, blender for X-ray monochromator (synchrotron), hot gas generator… The staff of the X’Press team is involved in the X-ray diffraction training (lectures and practical works) included in the Master 2 Pro IMN (PHITEM) of the UGA and in the european programme HERCULES. The X’Press team regularly organizes training for High Pressure technology and CRISTECH networks.
The X’Press team provides technological support for research activities :
– Materials synthesis (at high pressure and high temperature)
– Structural characterisation (X-ray diffraction)
– Sample environment : high/low temperature, vacuum, controlled atmosphere
– Design and development of specific instrumentation : regulation, automatic control, electrotechnics
– Improvement of operating conditions, efficiency and safety ot the equipments
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The X-ray team is in charge of the operation of ten diffractometers, either commercial or in-house designed devices, for powders, single crystals, thin films and nanomaterials under ambient or non-ambient conditions, from 1400 to 6 K. The team has strong expertise in X-ray studies of materials under non-ambient conditions, and the design of a specific instrumentation : high or low-temperature diffraction under atmosphere control.
The X’Press team wishes to share with you some files necessary for its organisation :
Person in charge: Eric MOSSANG
Students & Post-docs & CDD
Christophe BOUCHARD
Personnel Technique - CNRS
Phone: 04 76 88 11 44
Office: F-314
Personnel Technique - CNRS
Phone: 04 76 88 10 33
Office: F-314
Gaëtan PINON
Personnel Technique - CNRS
Phone: 04 56 38 70 48
Office: F-203D
Referent: Murielle LEGENDRE