The day before he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics medal for his research on antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism, but not only… because Louis Néel was also the laboratory builder who made the scientific peninsula what it is today.
Nous fêtons en ce mois de décembre 2020 le cinquantenaire de ce Prix, et c’est l’occasion de se replonger dans l’histoire de ce grand personnage de la Recherche en général, de la physique du magnétisme et de Grenoble en particulier.
We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of this Prize in December 2020, and it is an opportunity to look back at the history of this great figure in research in general, the physics of magnetism and Grenoble in particular.
A collection of all the scientific publications of Louis Néel has been gathered by IRIG researchers in the HAL Open Archive, where you can dive into the history of the scientific publication of magnetism since the 1920s.
• open archives here
• dedicated website here
• tweeter: @neel50nobel