Scientific communication
The scientific communication officer is mainly responsible for the annual collection of the laboratory’s highlights. He is particularly committed to popularizing scientific texts. Their aim is to make the Institute’s scientific results and events accessible to a wide audience, albeit with a scientific culture at the level of a L3 physics student.
Contact : Jan VOGEL
The Institut Néel is involved in a wide range of projects in this field, including storage, transport, conversion, motors, cooling, lighting, photovoltaic and thermoelectric production.
Its mission is to help management stimulate and give visibility to our actions in this field, and to represent our laboratory to our Grenoble, national and international partners
Contact : Olivier BOURGEOIS
International & Europe
His role is to monitor international calls for tenders and, in advance, to inform Institut Néel staff. He coordinates with the Institut Néel’s development officers, as well as with the various LabEx initiatives. He organizes meetings between laboratory researchers and potential international partners. He assists the management in its international activities, in relations with our supervisory authority and with all partners..
Contact : Gwénolé JACOPIN
Scientific and technological monitoring
The mission of the Scientific and Technological Monitoring Officer is to make an inventory of the equipment present in the laboratory and its condition, and to communicate this to laboratory members. See what new equipment might be available in the Grenoble area, follow up on collective equipment projects and create a directory for donations/recycling and the procedures to follow.
Contact : Valérie REITA
Industrial valorization
The Institut Néel’s industrial development officers work in close collaboration with management and institutional services (the Partnership and Development Department of the Délégation Alpes and the Institut de Physique), to support all laboratory staff in the development of their work. They assist management in this area, to ensure visibility of the Institute’s activities and to provide the most effective support possible for valorization initiatives. They are also part of the CNRS Physique network of valorization correspondents.
Contacts : Thierry CHANELIERE et Nathalie BOURGEAT-LAMI