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Concerto takes height!

CONCERTO*, a large field-of-view spectro-imager operating at millimeter wavelengths from the APEX 12-meters telescope.
The main science goal is to shed light on the primordial galaxies formation.

CONCERTO flew for a long trip to the highest observation site on Earth, APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment), in the Atacama region of Chile at an altitude of 5100 meters.

The installation at the telescope should begin on April 6th with only 6 weeks of delay,
which is a miracle considering the health context.

Congratulations to the teams and to the technical groups!

Institut Néel is happy to follow the adventure and, while waiting for the first images expected at the beginning of May, a web page dedicated
to CONCERTO (“science and society”) will be regularly updated.

Let’s wish a good trip to Martino Calvo (cryogenics tech. group, Institut Néel/CNRS), Johannes GOUPY (Floralis-UGA, Institut Néel/CNRS, IRAM), Alessandro Monfardini (HELFA team, Institut Néel/CNRS), Andrea Catalano (LPSC), Julien Bounmy (LPSC), Alexandre Beelen (LAM) and Guilaine Lagache (LAM), for a departure on March 21st 2021.
Good acclimatization!

   Frequency range: 125-310 GHz
    Telescope : APEX 12m
    Angular resolution: 20″ to 310 GHz
    Field of view:  Ø round ~20 arc-min
    Number of pixels: 2×2152
    Focal plane: Detectors KID
    Cryostat: closed dilution loop 3He-4He
    Spectral resolution: 1,5 GHz
    Spectrometer: Interféromètre Martin-puplett