Experimental development of novel quantum devices in quantum nanoelectronics
Tenure track position
NB Candidates must contact jean-philippe.poizat@neel.cnrs.fr or a research scientist at Institut Néel ahead of the deadline in order to build a research project.
Dead line : May, 22nd, 2023 (o be confirmed)
Link to apply : Information to come on the UGA web site
Chaires de Professeur Junior (CPJ) are a new way of recruiting on the basis of research and teaching projects. They are tenure track positions. At the end of the contract, between 3 and 6 years, and after evaluation of the scientific value and professional aptitude of the agent by an evaluation commission, the candidate can be promoted to a permanent position as a Professor.
Research profile
The study of the electronic properties of quantum circuits is an important and historical research axis for the Néel Institute. Néel Institute is involved in many programs in the field of quantum technologies, including the ERC Synergy QuCube, as well as the RobustSuperQ and PRESQUILE projects of the PEPR Quantum Technologies, which mainly address the development of semiconductor and superconducting spin qubits with a view to their scaling up.
The University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA) plays a leading role in the development of Grenoble’s very rich quantum community. With the experimental research activity of this CPJ, UGA will strengthen its position in quantum technologies by developing innovative quantum platforms based on emerging materials and concepts. Without being exhaustive, research axes have been identified, some of which are complementary to those explored in the framework of the Quantum PEPR:
– Hybrid superconductor/semiconductor or graphene nanostructures or two-dimensional materials, for which topological protection against qubit decoherence is predicted theoretically, but not demonstrated experimentally.
– The manipulation and detection of a single electron wave packet based on a two-dimensional electron gas of very high mobility, which would allow access to the unexplored territory where the frequencies become comparable to the internal electronic characteristic time scales.
– The local and time-resolved thermodynamic study of quantum devices, which will allow understanding and specifying the strong constraints imposed by the entropy generation in any irreversible logic operation.
The recruited researcher will be supported by a funding of 200 k€ from the ANR and an additional funding providing by UGA.
Teaching profile
Teaching assignments consist of 96 hours per year.
The strengthening of human resources is also a strong and necessary axis of the national strategy for quantum technology to ensure innovation, attractiveness and competitiveness of the industrial and research ecosystem. In order to meet the growing need for skills in quantum technologies, the national project QuanTEdu-France, led by the University of Grenoble Alpes, brings together a consortium of 21 academic institutions. The central objective of QuanTEdu-France is to implement concrete actions, from pre-university training to doctoral training, in initial and continuing education, in partnership with professional training and industrial players, while actively participating in the digital transition of training in higher education institutions. The CPJ will thus be able to invest, in connection with the project coordinator, in awareness-raising activities and the development of new UEs, as well as in the creation of a “quantum technologies” practical work platform.