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A “Dominique Givord” Prize awarded by the European Magnetism Association!

In 2019, the European Magnetism Association (EMA) has created two awards: the “Young Scientist” prize awarded annually, and the “Dominique Givord” prize awarded every three years, to honour advances in magnetism in Europe. 

Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (KIT) is the first recipient of this prize for his work in the field of magnetism in general and molecular nanomagnetism in particular, which he published with the Néel Institute.

4 people are at the origin of the creation of the EMA association: Dominique Givord, Dino Fiorani (who became the first president), Burkard Hillebrands (current president) and Olivier FRUCHART (vice-president). The association was officially created in August 2016, and was built on the basis of two periodic events for which Dominique Givord has had a leading role: the JEMS conference and the ESM school.

The prize that Professor Wolfgang Wernsdorfer has just received is in addition to the many other awards he has received, including the CNRS silver medal in 2016. The laboratory would like to take this opportunity to congratulate its former member once again.

More info EMA here.
More info Wolfgang Wernsdorfer here.