Bendiab, N.*; Schwarz, C.; Reserbat‐Plantey, A.; Djevahirdjian, L.; Renard, J.; Bouchiat, V.; Coraux, J., Marty, L. Unravelling external perturbation effects on the optical phonon response of graphene. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2018, 49, 130
Vvedensky, D.; Tetlow, H.; Posthuma de Boer, J.; Ford, I.; Coraux, J.; Kantorovich, L.* Growth of Epitaxial Graphene: Theory and Experiment. Phys. Rep. 2014, 542, 195
Coraux, J.*; Marty, L.; Bendiab, N.; Bouchiat, V. Functional hybrid systems based on large area high quality graphene. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2193
Coraux, J.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Busse, C.; Michely, T. Epitaxial growth of graphene on single crystalline metal surfaces, in Thin film growth physics, materials science and applications, éditié par Z. Cao, Woodhead Publising (2011).
Proietti, M. G.; Coraux, J.; Renevier, H. Grazing incidence diffraction anomalous fine structure to study the structural properties of semiconductor nanostructures, in Characterization of semiconductor heterostructures and nanostructures, edited by C. Lamberti, Elsevier book.
Research articles in peer-reviewed journals
Riccardi, T.; Sarkar, S.; Purbawati, A.; Arrighi, A.; Kostka, M.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Vogel, J.; Renard, J.; Marty, L.; Pawbake, A.; Faugeras, C.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Finco, A.; Jacques, V.; Ren, L.; Marie, X.; Robert, C.; Nuñez-Regueiro, M.; Rougemaille, N.; Bendiab, N.; Coraux, J.*. Laser patterning of the room temperature van der Waals ferromagnet 1T-CrTe2. Phys. Rev. Materials. 2025, 9, 024001, see preprint on arXiv
Villalobos Castro, J. d. J.; Pierron, T.; Pons, S.; Coraux, J.; Sponza, L.*; Vlaic, S. Three-dimensional deformations in single-layer α-antimonene and interaction with a Au(111) surface from first principles. arXiv:2501.10180v1.
Rougemaille, N.*; Coraux, J.; Canals, B. Ampère phase in frustrated magnets. Phys. Rev. B, 2025, 111, 064402, see preprint on arXiv.
Mu, Z.; Fraunié, J.; Durand, A.; Clément, S.; Finco, A.; Rouquette, J.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Rougemaille, N. Coraux, J.; Li, J.; Poirier, T.; Edgar, J. H; Gerber, I. C.; Marie, X.; Gil, B.; Cassabois, G.; Robert, C.; Jacques, V.* Magnetic imaging under high pressure with a spin-based quantum sensor integrated in a van der Waals heterostructure. arXiv:2501.03640.
Coraux, J.;* Rougemaille, N. Unusual Coulomb phase physics in the arctic square ice. Phys. Rev. B, 2024, 110, 174432.
Messelot, S.; Aparicio, N.; de Seze, E.; Eyraud, E.; Coraux, J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Renard, J.* Direct measurement of a sin(2φ) current phase relation in a graphene superconducting quantum interference device. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2024, 133, 106001 (Editors’ Suggestion; featured in Physics; see preprint on arXiv).
Coraux, J.;* Rouger, N.; Canals, B.; Rougemaille, N.* Square ice Coulomb phase as a percolated vertex lattice. Phys. Rev. B, 2024, 109, 224422.
Salmon, L.; Schánilec, V.; Coraux, J.; Canals, B.; Rougemaille, N.* Effective interaction quenching in artificial kagomé spin chains. Phys. Rev. B, 2024, 109, 054425 (see preprint on arXiv).
Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.* Epitaxial two-dimensional membranes under intrinsic and extrinsic strains. Phys. Rev. B, 2023, 108, 235415 (see preprint on arXiv).
King, A. D.; Coraux, J.; Canals, B.; Rougemaille, N.* Magnetic arctic circle in a square ice qubit lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023, 131, 166701.
Alfonso-Moro, M.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Canals, B.; Coraux, J.; Rougemaille, N.* Geometrical frustration, correlated disorder, and emerging order in a corrugated C60 monolayer. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023, 131, 186201 (see preprint on arXiv)
Alfonso Moro, M.; Dappe, Y.; Godey, S.; Mélin, T.; González, C; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Canals, B.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.*. Positional and rotational molecular degrees of freedom at a roughened metal-organic interface: the copper-fullerene system and its multiple structural phases. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2023, 127, 18765 (see preprint on arXiv)
Weng, X.; David, P.; Guisset, V.; Martinello, L.; Geaymond, O.; Coraux, J.; Renaud, G.* Superstructures, commensurations, and rotation of single-layer TaS2 on Au(111) induced by Cs intercalation/de-intercalation. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 5459 (see preprint on arXiv)
Purbawati, A.; Sarkar, S.; Pairis, S.; Kostka, M.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Dufeu, D.; Singh, P.; Bourgault, D.; Nuñez-Regueiro, M.; Vogel, J.; Renard, J.; Marty, L.; Fabre, F.; Finco, A.; Jacques, V.; Ren, L.; Tiwari, V.; Robert, C.; Marie, X.; Bendiab, N.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.* Stability of the In-Plane Room Temperature van der Waals Ferromagnet Chromium Ditelluride and Its Conversion to Chromium-Interleaved CrTe2 Compounds. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2023, 5, 764 (see preprint on arXiv)
Kumar, P.; Fabre, F.; Durand, A.; Clua-Provost, T.; Li, J.; Edgar, J. H.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.; Marie, X.; Renucci, P.; Robert, C.; Robert-Philip, I.; Gil, B.; Cassabois, G.; Finco, A.; Jacques, A.* Magnetic imaging with Spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride. Phys. Rev. Applied 2022, 18, L061002 (Editors’ Suggestion; see preprint on arXiv)
Artaud, A.; Rougemaille, N.; Vlaic, S.; Renard, V. T.; Atodiresei, N.; Coraux, J.* Elastic properties of moiré lattices in epitaxial two-dimensional materials. Phys. Rev. B 2022, 106, L201402 (Editors’ Suggestion; see preprint on arXiv)
Lisi, S.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Mazaleyrat, E.; Gómez Herrero, A. C; Coraux, J.* Two-way twisting of a confined monolayer: Orientational ordering within the van der Waals gap between graphene and its crystalline substrate. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2022, 129, 096101 (see preprint on arXiv)
Rochefort, A.*; Vernisse, L.; Gómez Herrero, A. C.; Sánchez Sánchez, C.; Martín Gago, J. A.; Chérioux, F.; Clair, S.; Coraux, J.; Martínez, J. I. Role of the structure and reactivity of Cu and Ag surfaces in the formation of a 2D metal-hexahydroxytriphenylene network. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2021, 125, 17333
Gómez Herrero, A. C.; Feron, M.; Bendiab, N.; den Hertog, M.; Reita, V.; Salut, R.; Palmino, F.; Coraux, J.*; Chérioux, F.* Nano-sheets of two-dimensional polymers with dinuclear (arene)ruthenium nodes, synthesised at a liquid/liquid interface. Nanotechnology, 2021, 32, 355603 (see preprint on arXiv)
Kremer, G.*; Alvarez-Quiceno, J. C.; Pierron, T.; González Pascual, C.; Sicot, M.; Kierren, B.; Moreau, L.; Rault, J.; Le Fèvre, P.; Bertran, F.; Dappe, Y. J.; Coraux, J.; Pochet, P.; Fagot-Revurat, Y. Dispersing and semi-flat bands in the wide band gap two-dimensional semiconductor bilayer silicon oxide. 2D Mater. 2021, 8, 035021 (see preprint on arXiv)
Fabre, F.; Finco, A.; Purbawati, A.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.; Philip, I.; Jacques, V.* Characterization of room-temperature in-plane magnetization in thin flakes of CrTe2 with a single spin magnetometer. Phys. Rev. Materials 2021, 5, 034008 (see preprint on arXiv)
Gómez Herrero, A. C.; Sánchez Sánchez, C.; Chérioux, F.; Marínez, J. I.; Abad, J.; Floreano, L.; Verdini, A.; Cossaro, A.; Mazaleyrat, E.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Lisi, S.; Magaud, L.; Martín Gago, J. A.; Coraux, J.* Copper-assisted oxidation of catechols into quinone derivative. Chem. Sci. 2021, 12, 2257
- Mazaleyrat, E.; Pozzo, M.; Alfè, D.; Artaud, A.; Gómez Herrero, A. C.; Lisi, S.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Chapelier, C.; Coraux, J.* Structure of graphene and a surface carbide grown on the (0001) surface of rhenium. Phys. Rev. Materials, 2020, 4, 124002
Sant, E.; Gay, M.; Marty, A.; Lisi, S.; Harrabi, R.; Vergnaud, C.; Dau, M. T.; Weng, X.; Coraux, J.; Gauthier, N.; Renault, O.; Renaud, G.*; Jamet, M.* Synthesis of epitaxial monoloayer Janus SPtSe. njp 2D Mater. Appl., 2020, 4, 41
Mazaleyrat, E.; Vlaic, S.; Artaud, A.; Magaud, L.; Vincent, T.; Gómez-Herrero, A. C.; Lisi, S.; Singh, P.; Bendiab, N.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Pons, S.; Roditchev, D.; Chapelier, C.; Coraux, J.* How to induce superconductivity in epitaxial graphene via remote proximity effect through an intercalated gold layer. 2D Mater., 2020, 8, 015002
Sun, X.; Li, W.; Wang, X.; Sui, Q.; Zhang, T.; Wang, Z.; Liu, L.; Li, D.; Feng, S.; Zhong, S.; Wang, H.; Bouchiat, V.; Núñez Regueiro, M.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.; Purbawati, A.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Wang, Z.; Dong, B.; Wu, X.; Yang, T.*; Yu, G.*; Wang, B.*; Han, Z.*; Han, X.; Zhang, Z. Room temperature ferromagnetism in ultra-thin van der Waals crystals of 1T-CrTe2. Nano Res. 2020, 13, 3358-3363
Kalita, D.; Amato, M.; Artaud, A.; Marty, L.; Bouchiat, V.; Coraux, J.; Brouder, C.; Lazzeri, M.*; Bendiab, N.* Fermi resonance in the Raman spectrum of graphene. Phys. Rev. B, 2020, 102, 075436
Purbawati, A.; Coraux, J.*; Vogel, J.; Hadj-Azzem, A.; Wu, N.; Bendiab, N.; Jegouso, D.; Renard, J.; Marty, L.; Bouchiat, V.; Sulpice, A.; Aballe, L.; Foerster, M.; Genuzio, F.; Locatelli, A.; Menteş, T.; Han, Z.; Sun, X.; Núñez-Regueiro, M.; Rougemaille, N. In-plane magnetic domains and Néel-like domain walls in thin flakes of the room temperature CrTe2 van der Waals ferromagnet. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 30702-30710
Sant, R.; Lisi, R.; Nguyen, V. D.; Mazaleyrat, E.; Gómez Herrero, A. C.; Geaymond, O.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Marty, A.; Jamet, M.; Chapelier, C.; Magaud, L.; Dappe, Y. J.; Bianchi, M.; Hofmann, P.; Renaud, G.; Coraux, J.* Decoupling molybdenum disulfide from its substrate by cesium intercalation. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 12397-12408
Kim, Y.; Gkountaras, A.; Chaix-Pluchery, O.; Gélard, I.; Coraux; J.; Chapelier, C; Barsoum, M. W.; Ouisse, T.* Elementary processes governing V2AlC chemical etching in HF. RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 25266
Sarkar, S.; Maity, I.; Pradeepa, H. L.; Nayak, G.; Marty, L.; Renard, J.; Coraux, J.; Bendiab, N.; Bouchiat, V.; Das, S.; Majumdar, K.; Jain, M.; Bid, A.* Anharmonicity in Raman-active phonon modes in atomically thin MoS2. Phys. Rev. B, 2020, 101, 205302
Artaud, A.; Mazaleyrat, E.; Foester, D. G.; Tonnoir, C.; Gilles, B.; David, P.; Guisset, V.; Magaud, L.; Calvo, F.; Chapelier, C.; Coraux, J.* Depression by stacking faults in nanorippled graphene on metals. 2D Mater., 2020, 7, 025016
Gkountaras, T.; Kim, Y.; Lisi, S.; Coraux, J.; Bouchiat, V.; Barsoum, M.; Ouisse, T.* Mechanical exfoliation of selected MAX phases and Mo4Ce4Al7C3 single crystals to produce MAXenes. Small, 2020, 16, 1905784
- Sarkar, S.; Pradeepa, H. L.; Nayak, G.; Marty, L.; Renard, J.; Coraux, J.; Bendiab, N.; Bouchiat, V.; Basu, J.; Bid, A.* Evolution of interlayer coupling in artificially stacked bilayer MoS2. Nanoscale Adv., 2019, 1, 4398
- Nayak, G.; Lisi, S.; Liu, W.-L.; Jakubczyk, T.; Stepanov, P.; Donatini, F.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Bid, A.; Kasprzak, J.; Richard, M.; Bouchiat, V.; Coraux, J.; Marty, L.; Bendiab, N.; Renard, J.* Cathodoluminescence enhancement and quenching in type-I van der Waals heterostructures: Cleanliness of the interfaces and defect creation. Phys. Rev. Materials, 2019, 3, 114001
- Omambac, K.*; Hattab, H.; Brand, C.; Jnawali, G. ; N’Diaye, A.; Coraux, J.; van Gastel, R.; Poelsema, B.; Michely, T.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.; Horn-von Hoegen, M. Temperature-controlled rotational epitaxy of graphene. Nano Lett., 2019, 19, 4594
- Kremer, G.; Alvarez Quiceno, J. C.; Lisi, S.; Pierron, T.; Gonzalez, C.; Sicot, M.; Kierren, B.; Malterre, D.; Rault, J.; Le Fevre, P.; Bertran, F.; Dappe, Y. J.; Coraux, J.; Pochet, P.; Fagot-Revurat, Y.* Electronic band structure of ultimately thin silicon oxide on Ru(0001). ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 4720
- Rougemaille, N.; Vlaic, D.; Aballe, L.; Foerster, M.; Coraux, J.* Confined step-flow growth of Cu intercalated between graphene and a Ru(0001) surface. 2D Mater., 2019, 6, 035004
- Jakubczyk, T.; Nayak, G.; Scarpelli, L.; Liu, W.-L.; Dubey, S.; Bendiab, N.; Marty, L.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Masia, F.; Nogues, G.; Coraux, J.; Langbein, W.; Renard, J.; Bouchiat, V.; Kasprzak, J.* Coherence and density dynamics of excitons in a single-layer MoS2 reaching the homogeneous limit. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 3500
- Artaud, A.; Magaud, L.; Ratter, K.; Gilles, B.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Martínez, J. I.; Martín-Gago, J. Á; Chapelier, C.; Coraux, J.* Size-selective carbon clusters as obstacles to graphene growth on a metal. Nano Lett., 2018, 18, 4812
- Arjmandi-Tash, H.; Han, Z.; Dipankar, K.; Berne, C.; Landers, J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Marty, L.; Coraux, J., Bendiab, N.; Bouchiat, V.* Large scale graphene/h-BN heterostructures obtained by direct CVD growth of graphene using high-yield proximity-catalytic process. J. Phys.: Mater., 2018, 1, 015003
- Vlaic, S.; Rougemaille, N.; Artaud, A.; Renard, V.; Huder, L.; Rouvière, J.-L.; Kimouche, A.; Santos, B.; Locatelli, A.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Chapelier, C.; Magaud, L; Canals, B.; Coraux, J.* Graphene as a mechanically active, deformable two-dimensional surfactant. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, 2523
- Dubey, S.; Lisi, S.; Nayak, G.; Herziger, F.; Nguyen, V.-D.; Le Quang, T.; Cherkez, V.; González, C.; Dappe, Y. J.; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Magaud, L.; Mallet, P.; Veuillen, J.-Y.; Marty, R.; Marty, L.; Renard, J.; Bendiab, N.; Coraux, J.*, Bouchiat, V. Weakly bound, charged, and free excitons in single-layer MoS2 in presence of defects, strain, and charged impurities. ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 11206
- Vlaic, S.; Rougemaille, N.*; Kimouche, A.; Santos Burgos, B.; Locatelli, A.; Coraux, J.*Intercalating cobalt between graphene and iridium (111): a spatially-dependent kinetics from the edges. Phys. Rev. Materials, 2017, 1, 053406
- Pochet, P.*; McGuigan, B. C.; Coraux, J.; Johnson, H. Toward moiré engineering in 2D materials via dislocation theory. Appl. Mater. Today 2017, 9, 240
- Coraux, J.; Hourani, W.; Müller, V. L.; Lamare S.; Kanaruddin, D. A.; Magaud, L.; Bendiab, N.; Den Hertog, M.; Leynaud, O.; Palmino, F.; Salut, R.; Chérioux, F.* Soluble two-dimensional covalent organometallic polymers by (arene)ruthenium-sulfur chemistry. Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 10969
- Ochapski, M.; Urbain, E.; Djeghloul, F.; Speisser, V.; Majjad, H.; Spor, D.; Vu, A.-D.; Coraux, J.; Rougemaille, N.; Chen, G.; Schmid, A. K.; Suzuki, M.; Yasue, T.; Koshikawa, T.; Bulou, H.; Weber, W. Breakdown of the electron-spin motion upon reflection at metal-organic or metal-carbon interfaces. II. Phys. Rev. B 2016, 93, 174411
- Artaud, A.*; Magaud, L.; Le Quang, T.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Chapelier, C.; Coraux, J.. Universal classification of twisted, strained and sheared graphene moiré superlattices. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 25670
- Samaddar, S.; Coraux, J.; Martin, S. C.; Grévin, H.; Courtois, H.; Winkelmann, C. B.* Equal variations of the Fermi level and work function in graphene at the nanoscale. Nanoscale, 2016, 9, 15162
- Vu, A. D.; Coraux, J.; Chen, G.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Schmid, A. K.; Rougemaille, N.* Unconventional magnetisation texture in graphene/cobalt hybrids. Sci. Rep., 2016, 6, 24783
- Vondràček, M.; Kalita, D.; Kučera, M.; Fekete, L.; Kopeček, J.; Lančok, J.; Coraux, J.; Bouchiat, V.; Honolka, J.* Nanofaceting as a stamp for periodic graphene charge carrier modulations. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6, 23663
- Ben Romdhane, F.; Rodriguez-Manzo, J. A.; Andrieux, A.; Fossard, F.; Hallal, A.; Magaud, L.;Coraux, J.; Loiseau, A.; Banhart, F.* The formation of the smallest fullerene-like carbon cages on metal surfaces. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 2561
- Franz, D.; Blanc, N.; Coraux, J.; Renaud, G.; Runte, S.; Gerber; T.; Busse, C.; Michely, T.; Feibelman, P.; Hejral, U.; Stierle, A.* Atomic structure of Pt nanoclusters supported by graphene/Ir(111) and reversible transformation under CO exposure. Phys. Rev. B 2016, 93, 045426
- Yang, H.; Vu, A. D.; Hallal, A.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J.; Gong, C.; Schmid, A. K.; Chshiev, M.* Anatomy and giant enhancement of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of cobalt−graphene heterostructures. Nano Lett. 2016, 16, 145
- Mathur, S.; Vlaic, S.; Machado-Charry, E.; Vu, A.-D.; Guisset, V.; David, P.; Hadji, E.; Pochet, P.; Coraux, J.* Degenerate epitaxy-driven defects in monolayer silicon oxide onto ruthenium. Phys. Rev. B 2015, 92, 161410(R)
- Bronsgeest, M. S.; Bendiab, N.; Mathur, S.; Kimouche, A.; Johnson, H. T.; Coraux, J.; Pochet, P.* Strain relaxation in CVD graphene: wrinkling with shear lag. Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 5098
- Drnec, J.*; Vlaic, S.; Carlomagno, I.; Juliana Gonzalez, C.; Isern, H.; Carlà, F.; Fiala, R.; Rougemaille, N.; Coraux, J., Felici, R.* Surface alloying upon Co intercalation between graphene and Ir(111). Carbon 2015, 94, 554
- Jean, F.*; Zhou, T.; Blanc, N.; Felici, R.; Coraux, J.; Renaud, G. Topography of the graphene/Ir(111) moiré studied by surface X-ray diffraction. Phys. Rev. B 2015, 91, 245424
- Martin, S. C.; Sacépé, B.; Samaddar, S.; Kimouche, A.; Coraux, J.; Fuchs, F.; Grévin, B.; Courtois, H.; Winkelmann, C. B.* Ripples and charge puddles in screened graphene. Phys. Rev. B 2015, 91, 041406(R)
- Schumacher, S.; Huttmann, F.; Petrovic, M.; Witt, C.; Förster, D. F.; Vo-Van, C.; Coraux, J.; Martinez-Galera, A. J.; Sessi, V.; Vergara, I.; Rückamp, R.; Grüninger, M.; Schleheck, N.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.; Ohresser, P.; Kralj, M.; Wehling, T. O.; Michely, T. Europium underneath graphene on Ir(111): Intercalation mechanism, magnetism, and band structure. Phys. Rev. B 2014, 90, 235437
- Landers, J.; Chérioux, F.; De Santis, M.; Bendiab, N.; Lamare, S.; Magaud, L.; Coraux, J.* Convergent fabrication of a nanoporous two- dimensional carbon network from an aldol condensation on metal surfaces. 2D Materials 2014, 1, 034005
- Runte, S.; Lazic, P.; Vo-Van, C.; Coraux, J.; Zegenhagen, J.; Busse, C.* Graphene buckles under stress: an X-ray standing wave and scanning tunneling microscopy study. Phys. Rev. B 2014, 89, 155427
- Vlaic, S.; Kimouche, A.; Coraux, J.; Santos, B.; Locatelli, A.; Rougemaille, N. Cobalt intercalation at the graphene/iridium(111) interface: Influence of rotational domains, wrinkles, and atomic steps. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2014, 104, 101602
- Han, Z.; Kimouche, A.; Allain, A.; Arjmandi-Tash, H.; Reserbat-Plantey, Pairis, S.; Reita, V.; Bendiab, N.; Coraux, J.; Bouchiat, V.* Homogeneous Optical and Electronic Properties of Graphene Due to the Suppression of Multilayer Patches During CVD on Copper Foils Adv. Func. Mater. 2014 24, 964
- Kimouche, A.; Renault, O.; Samaddar, S.; Winkelmann, C.; Courtois, H.; Fruchart, O.; Coraux, J.* Modulating charge density and inelastic optical response in graphene by atmospheric pressure localized intercalation through wrinkles. Carbon, 2014, 68, 73
- Tonnoir, C.; Kimouche, A.; Coraux, J.; Magaud, L.; Delsol, B.; Gille, B.; Chapelier, C.* Induced superconductivity in graphene grown on rhenium. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2013, 111, 246805
- Jean, F.; Zhou, T.; Blanc, N.; Felici, R.; Coraux, J.; Renaud, G. Different commensurabilities and 10-1300 K thermal expansion of graphene on Ir(111) as a function of preparation. Phys. Rev. B 2013, 88, 165406
- Blanc, N.; Jean, F.; Krasheninnikov, A. ; Renaud, G.; Coraux, J.* Point defect-induced strains in epitaxial graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 111 085501
- Blanc, N.; Coraux, J.*; Vo-Van, C.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Geaymond, O.; Renaud, G. Local deformations and incommensurability of high quality epitaxial graphene on a weakly interacting transition metal. Phys. Rev. B 2012, 86, 235439
- Coraux, J.*; N’Diaye, A. T.; Rougemaille, N.; Vo-Van, C.; Kimouche, A.; Yang, H.-X.; Chshiev, M.; Bendiab, N.; Fruchart, O.; Schmid, A. K. Air protected epitaxial graphene/ferromagnet hybrids prepared by chemical vapor deposition and intercalation. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 2059
- Rougemaille, N.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Coraux, J.; Vo-Van, C.; Fruchart, O.; Schmid, A. K. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of cobalt films intercalated under graphene. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012, 101, 142403
- Herbig, C.; Kaiser, M.; Bendiab, N.; Schumacher, S.; Forster, D. F.; Coraux, J.; Meerholz, K.; Michely, T.; Busse, C.* Mechanical exfoliation of epitaxial graphene on Ir(111) enabled by Br2 intercalation. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2012, 24, 314208
- Hattab, H.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Wall, D.; Klein, C.; Jnawali; G.; Coraux, J.; Busse, C.; van Gastel, R.; Poelsema, B.; Michely, T.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.-J.; Horn-von Hoegen, M.* Interplay of wrinkles, strain, and lattice parameter in graphene iridium. Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 678
- Vo Van, C.; Schumacher, S.; Coraux, J.*; Sessi, V.; Fruchart, O.; Brookes, N.; Ohresser, P.; Michely, T. Magnetism of cobalt nanoclusters on graphene on iridium. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99, 142504
- Busse, C.*; Lazic, P.; Djemour, R.; Coraux, J.; Gerber, T.; Atodiresei, N.; Caciuc, V.; Brako, R.; N’Diaye, A. T.; Blügel, S.; Zegenhagen, J.; Michely, T. Graphene on Ir(111): Physisorption with chemical modulation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011, 107, 036101
- Vo Van, C.; Kimouche, A.; Reserbat-Plantey, A.; Fruchart, O.; Bayle-Guillemaud, P.; Bendiab, N.; Coraux, J.* Epitaxial graphene prepared by chemical vapor deposition on single crystal thin iridium films on sapphire. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98, 181903
- Favre-Nicolin, V.*; Coraux, J.; Richard, M.-I.; Renevier, H. Fast computation of scattering maps of nanostructures using graphical processing units. J. Appl. Cryst. 2011, 4
- Hattab, H.*; N’Diaye, A. T.; Wall, D.; Jnawali, G.; Coraux, J.; Busse, C.; van Gastel, R.; Poelsema, B.; Michely, T.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.-J.; Horn von Hoegen, M. Growth temperature dependent graphene alignment on Ir(111). Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98, 141903
- Forster, D. F.*; Klinkhammer, J.; Busse, C.; Altendorf, S. G.; Michely, T.; Hu, Z.; Chin, Y.-Y.; Tjeng, L. H.; Coraux, J.; Bourgault, D. Epitaxial europium oxide on Ni(100) with single-crystal quality. Phys. Rev. B 2011, 83, 045424
- Bleikamp, S.; Coraux, J.*; Robach, O.; Renaud, G.; Michely, T. Twins and their boundaries during homoepitaxy on Ir(111). Phys. Rev. B 2011, 83, 064103
- Vo Van, C.; Kassir-Bodon, Z.; Yang, H.; Coraux, J.*; Vogel, J.; Pizzini, S.; Bayle-Guillemaud, P.; Chshiev, M.; Ranno, L.; Santonacci, V.; David, P.; Fruchart, O.* Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of ultrathin epitaxial cobal films on graphene. New J. Phys. 2010, 12, 103040
- N’Diaye, A. T.*; Gerber, T.; Busse, C.; Myslivecek, J.; Coraux, J.; Michely, T. A versatile fabrication method for cluster superlattices. New J. Phys. 2009, 11, 103045
- van Gastel, R.*; N’Diaye, A. T.; Wall, D.; Coraux, J.; Busse, C.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.-J.; Buckanie, N.; Horn von Hoegen, M.; Michely, T.; Poelsema, B. Selecting a single orientation for millimeter sized graphene sheets. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2009, 95, 121901
- N’Diaye, A. T.*; van Gastel, R.; Martinez-Galera, A. J.; Coraux, J.; Hattab, H.; Wall, D.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.-J.; Horn von Hoegen, M.; Gomez-Rodriguez, J. M.; Poelsema, B.; Busse, C.; Michely, T. In situ observation of stress relaxation in epitaxial graphene. New J. Phys. 2009, 11, 113056
- Coraux, J.*; N’Diaye, A. T.; Engler, M.; Busse, C.; Wall, D.; Buckanie, N.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, F.-J.; van Gastel, R.; Poelsema, B.; Michely T. Growth of graphene on Ir(111). New J. Phys. 2009, 11, 023006
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