I am a permanent CNRS researcher at the Néel Institute since 2020. I am part of the superconducting quantum circuits group.
My research generally aims to investigate light-matter interactions in circuits and nanostructures. We conceive experiments to explore the fundamental physics of phonons, spins and photons and we apply our findings to engineer novel quantum devices. These experiments take place on chips fabricated in house and operated at very low temperature (few mK) and microwave frequency (few GHz).
We currently focus on the development of acoustic devices in the quantum regime, with aims such as:
- to realize highly efficient interconnections between acoustic networks and superconducting microwave networks (perspectives: microwave-to-optics transduction, preparation of quantum states based on the non-linearity of Josephson junctions, acoustic spectroscopy)
- to study spin-phonon interactions (perspectives: efficient quantum control and readout of spin qubits)
Approaching optimal microwave-acoustic transduction on lithium niobate using SQUID arrays
A Hugot, Q Greffe, G Julie, E. Eyraud, F. Balestro, JJ Viennot
Opto-RF transduction in Er3+:CaWO4
T Chanelière, R Dardaillon, P Lemonde, JJ Viennot, P Bertet, E Flurin, P Goldner, D Serrano
Journal of Luminescence 272, 120647
Non-classical energy squeezing of a macroscopic mechanical oscillator
X Ma, JJ Viennot, S Kotler, JD Teufel, KW Lehnert
Nature Physics 17, 322-326
Synthetic spin–orbit interaction for Majorana devices
MM Desjardins, LC Contamin, MR Delbecq, MC Dartiailh, LE Bruhat, T Cubaynes, JJ Viennot, F Mallet, S Rohart, A Thiaville, A Cottet, T Kontos
Nature Materials 18 (10), 1060-1064
Resolving phonon Fock states in a multimode cavity with a double-slit qubit
LR Sletten, BA Moores, JJ Viennot, KW Lehnert
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021056
Phonon-number-sensitive electromechanics
JJ Viennot, X Ma, KW Lehnert
Physical Review Letters 121 (18), 183601
Circuit QED with a quantum-dot charge qubit dressed by Cooper pairs
LE Bruhat, T Cubaynes, JJ Viennot, MC Dartiailh, MM Desjardins, A Cottet, T Kontos
Physical Review B 98 (15), 155313
Scaling laws of the Kondo problem at finite frequency
LE Bruhat, JJ Viennot, MC Dartiailh, MM Desjardins, A Cottet, T Kontos
Physical Review B 98 (7), 075121
Cavity quantum acoustic device in the multimode strong coupling regime
BA Moores, LR Sletten, JJ Viennot, KW Lehnert
Physical Review Letters 120 (22), 227701
Cavity QED with hybrid nanocircuits: from atomic-like physics to condensed matter phenomena
A Cottet, M C Dartiailh, MM Desjardins, T Cubaynes, L C Contamin, MR Delbecq, JJ Viennot, LE Bruhat, B Douçot, T Kontos
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (43), 433002
Observation of the frozen charge of a Kondo resonance
MM Desjardins, JJ Viennot, MC Dartiailh, LE Bruhat, MR Delbecq, M Lee, M-S Choi, A Cottet, T Kontos
Nature 545 (7652), 71-74
Towards hybrid circuit quantum electrodynamics with quantum dots
JJ Viennot, MR Delbecq, LE Bruhat, MC Dartiailh, MM Desjardins, MBaillergeau, A Cottet, T Kontos
Comptes Rendus Physique 17 (7), 705-717
Cavity photons as a probe for charge relaxation resistance and photon emission in a quantum dot coupled to normal and superconducting continua
LE Bruhat, JJ Viennot, MC Dartiailh, MM Desjardins, T Kontos, A Cottet
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021014
Coherent coupling of a single spin to microwave cavity photons
J Viennot, M Dartiailh, A Cottet, T Kontos
Science 349 (6246), 408-411
Out-of-equilibrium charge dynamics in a hybrid circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture
JJ Viennot, MR Delbecq, MC Dartiailh, A Cottet, T Kontos
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165404
Stamping single wall nanotubes for circuit quantum electrodynamics
JJ Viennot, J Palomo, T Kontos
Applied Physics Letters 104 (11), 113108
Photon-mediated interaction between distant quantum dot circuits
MR Delbecq, LE Bruhat, JJ Viennot, S Datta, A Cottet, T Kontos
Nature Communications 4 (1), 1-8
Coupling a quantum dot, fermionic leads, and a microwave cavity on a chip
MR Delbecq, V Schmitt, FD Parmentier, N Roch, JJ Viennot, G Fève, B Huard, C Mora, A Cottet, T Kontos
Physical Review Letters 107 (25), 256804
Short CV
Current position
Experimental physicist at the Néel institute (permament CNRS researcher)
Previous positions
- Postdoc researcher at JILA (NIST & University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA) in the group of Konrad Lehnert
- PhD student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, LPA (Paris, France) in the group of Takis Kontos
Department: QUEST
Team: Quantum Electronic Circuits Alps (QuantECA)
Status: Personnel Chercheur
Structure: CNRS
Position: Permanent
Email: jeremie.viennot@neel.cnrs.fr
Phone: 04 76 88 79 05
Office: D-212