I am interested in advanced microscopy methods and synchrotron radiation techniques, including coherent diffraction techniques, x-ray imaging, tomography and deep learning in microscopy. I have experience in Ptychography, Fourier Ptychography, SAXS, XRD, Micro- and Nano-tomography, and I really like programming scientific tools that I can use to process my data. The type of systems I study is the scaled-up materials, in which information about their morphological structure at the nanometer scale needs to be extracted while keep a fairly big volume. I am constantly fighting to beat the depth-of-field limit in microscopy to obtain images with high Space-Bandwidth-Product (SBP).
Research interests
Coherent X-ray imaging: holography, ptychography and coherent diffraction
Optical microscopy : Fourier ptychography
Correlative imaging: spectroscopy and phase contrast
Numerical analysis and algorithm development
Materials sciences
Artificial intelligence: machine and deep learning
Scaled-up materials
X-rays and synchrotron instrumentation
Tutorials and sharing
(The images and information here available are consequence of a lot of work. Please, cite the work if you use them)
HAWK: the image reconstruction package. Hawk is an image reconstruction package that can be used to phase oversampled diffraction patterns. (Contact: Filipe Maia, Uppsala University, Sweden).
Bonsu: the Interactive Phase Retrieval Suite. A software package for phase retrieval in 2 and 3D. (Contact: Marcus C. Newton, University of Southamptom, UK)
Cheetah: multi-threaded image program. Used for analysing cspad image data from the CXI instrument at LCLS. (Contact: Anton Barty, CFEL, Desy, Germany)
PyNX: A computing library for X-ray coherent diffraction imaging of nanostructures. Click here for the publication. (Contact: Vincent Favre-Nicolin, ESRF, France)
Far-field Ptychography
Ptypy: Ptychography Reconstruction for Python. Click here for the publication. (Contacts: Pierre Thibault, U. Southamptom, UK; Björn Enders, NERSC, USA, Julio C. da Silva, Institut Néel CNRS, France)
PyNX: A computing library for X-ray coherent diffraction imaging of nanostructures. Click here for the publication. (Contact: Vincent Favre-Nicolin, ESRF, France)
SHARP-CAMERA: Ptychography: Software. (Contacts: S. Marchesini and D.A. Shapiro (ALS); H. Krishnan, T. Perciano, and J.A. Sethian (CAMERA); and B.J. Daurer and F.R.N.C. Maia (Uppsala))
Near-field Ptychography
Ptypy: Ptychography Reconstruction for Python. Click here for the publication. (Contacts: Pierre Thibault, U. Southamptom, UK; Björn Enders, NERSC, USA, Julio C. da Silva, Institut Néel CNRS, France)
PyNX: A computing library for X-ray coherent diffraction imaging of nanostructures. Click here for the publication. (Contact: Vincent Favre-Nicolin, ESRF, France)
X-ray Computed Tomography (PXCT)
Toupy: tomographic Utilities for Python. (Contact: Julio C. da Silva, Institut Néel CNRS, France)
Bragg Ptychography
Ptypy: Ptychography Reconstruction for Python. Click here for the publication. (Contacts: Pierre Thibault, U. Southamptom, UK; Björn Enders, NERSC, USA, Julio C. da Silva, Institut Néel CNRS, France)
PyNX: A computing library for X-ray coherent diffraction imaging of nanostructures. Click here for the publication. (Contact: Vincent Favre-Nicolin, ESRF, France)
Phase contrast imaging
ANKAPhase: software for single-distance phase-retrieval from inline X-ray phase contrast radiographs (User Guide) (Contact: Alexander Rack, ESRF, France)
PITRE: Phase-sensitive x-ray Image processing and Tomography REconstruction software. (Contact: Rongchang Chen, Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Trieste, Italy)
Octave-based package: Propagation based phase-contrast imaging with single-distance. (Contact: Christian Nemoz, ESRF, France)
Artificial Intelligence on X-ray / synchrotron techniques
Artificial intelligence is an emerging tool that is becoming ubiquitous in X-ray and synchrotron facilities. Mindful of its importance and as part of the upgrade of French CRG beamlines at ESRF, we also wish to discuss how these tools can be useful for us and for the community.
Therefore, we will start a series of webinars dedicated to applications of artificial intelligence (machine and deep learning) to techniques based on x-rays and synchrotrons.
The link to connect to the webinars will be send by e-mail. For this reason, please register to the webinars you are interested in. The complete webinar schedule and the registration links is given in the table below:
Thursday, February 25th
14:00 – 15:00 (CET)
Speaker: Xiaogang Yang (DESY, Germany)
Title: “XLearn: A Deep Learning Toolkit for a Synchrotron X-ray Facility”