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Next Quantum Materials/LANEF seminar:


Thursday, March 7th 2024 at 2:00 pm

Marina Calero (Centro de Astrobiologa, Madrid)

“ Superconducting resonators for space and quantum applications “




To access this seminar:

Institut Néel CNRS, Building K, Room Rémy Lemaire  (K223)


Abstract: High quality factor superconducting microwave lumped element resonators (LERs) are crucial elements in quantum science and technology applications, including quantum electrodynamics circuitry, quantum sensing and astronomical detectors. In this talk, I will present our efforts on developing and optimizing LERs for its use as Kinetic Inductance Detectors for astronomical experiments and as building blocks for Molecular Spin on-chip Quantum Processors. 
Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) are state-of-the-art radiation detectors based on the change in the kinetic inductance of LERs when a photon interacts with them. We are employing these devices in W-band astronomical experiments, such as the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, which requires a great number of extra-high sensitivity detectors arranged in large format cameras. Additionally, we are focused on demonstrating on-chip polarization sensitivity.
On the other hand, the flexibility in design and compact nature of LERs provide a significant advantage over distributed resonators concerning scalability for use as a fundamental component in spin-based quantum computing circuitry. Specifically, the localized magnetic field produced by LERs enables interaction with qubits encoded within small spin ensembles, which offer coherence times much longer than those of superconducting qubits used in other quantum platforms. Furthermore, the capability to multiplex different LERs along a single transmission line allows for interaction with various spin-based qubits simultaneously. 

The organizers:

Elsa Lhotel (elsa.lhotel@neel.cnrs.fr)
Florence Levy-Bertrand (florence.levy-bertrand@neel.cnrs.fr)