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NanoElectronique Quantique: Tuesday March 23rd, 2:00 pm

Clemens Winkelmann (Institut Néel)


Zoom link : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/96994398211?pwd=WDd2dkcxaWZKRHZFUGsvWTVHS0VtUT09
Meeting ID: 918 0890 1596
Passcode: neq2pm!

Title: « Heat transport and thermopower in strongly coupled single quantum dot devices »


We experimentally and theoretically investigate the thermoelectric properties of gate-tunable single-quantum dot junctions at milliKelvin temperatures, with particular focus on the strong tunnel coupling regime, Γ > k_BT. In the spin-1/2 Kondo regime of the quantum dot, we have observed that the Seebeck coefficient displays characteristic sign changes with varying temperature and level depth, in good agreement with numerical renormalization group calculations [1]. We then move to the question of heat transport across a single quantum level. While the heat conductance of a sequentially coupled single quantum level is expected to be uniformly equal to zero, we show both experimentally and theoretically, that the inclusion of cotunnelling effects leads to restoring a finite heat conductance [2].
[1] B. Dutta et al., Nano Lett. 19, 506 (2019).
[2] B. Dutta et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 237701 (2020).
Professional page Clemens Winkelmann


NEXT SEMINAR: Tuesday, March 30th, 2:00 pm – Matthieu Dartiailh (NYU/Institut Néel)