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Arpit Ranadive presents

  Nonlinear quantum optics with Josephson metamaterials

Monday, November 7th 2022 at 14:00

Romm D420 – Institut Néel

Link visio: arpitranadive.com/defense

The defence will be in English.



The study of superconducting meta-materials has recently generated large interest in the framework of quantum technologies due to a wide range of direct applications ranging from exploration of novel quantum optics phenomena, non-destructive quantum sensing, quantum limited amplification to quantum information processing.

Josephson meta-materials are constructed by embedding an array of Josephson junctions or composite structures containing Josephson junctions in a transmission line. These metamaterials can be engineered with in-situ tunability of second-order and third-order (Kerr) nonlinearities by designing the constituent Josephson junction composite.

I will present a Josephson metamaterial with tunable second-order and third-order nonlinearities. As an out-of-the-box use case of the meta-material, I will discuss a four-wave mixing traveling wave parametric amplifier with a novel phase-matching technique based on the sign reversal of the third-order (Kerr) nonlinearity without a need for dispersion engineering.

Due to their large bandwidth, these metamaterials have been identified as very promising for the generation of broadband entanglement. I will briefly discuss the observation of two-mode squeezing using an optimized Josephson metamaterial.

I will conclude by highlighting some of our ongoing efforts to better understand the nonlinear physics at the heart of these devices, exploring novel applications and improvement of the device performances in the discussed use cases.