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Alexandre ZAMPA presents

 Experimental and numerical study of 2G HTS tapes operation to develop high-performance R-SFCL conductor

Thursday 21 October 2021 at 9:30 am

Amphi Ampère, building Gree-ER

 The defense will be in french with the slides in english.


Abstract :

The resistive-type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (R-SFCL) using the second generation of high-temperature superconductors (2G HTS) would contribute to release the constraints withstood by the power grid operators by making theoretically possible the occurrence of an infinite prospective current. However, this dispositive came out from the laboratories with only a few devices. The high-cost of the 2G HTS tape is identified as the main break to its commercial development. This PhD work, carried out in the framework of the European project Fastgrid, falls within this framework. The objectives are, on one hand, to contribute to a better understanding of the 2G HTS tapes operation in the event of an inhomogeneous quench and on the other hand, to develop high-performance R-SFCL conductors to decrease their quantity and cost in a R-SFCL. This work was carried out coupling thermo-electrical modelling effort and experiments in cryogenic environment.


The committee members are : 
M. Daniel BOURGAULT – Directeur de recherche au CNRS – Examinateur
M. Marco BRESCHI – Professeur associé à l’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna – Rapporteur
M. Jean LEVEQUE – Professeur à l’Université de Lorraine – Rapporteur
M. Xavier OBRADORS – Professeur à Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC) – Examinateur
M. Philippe VANDERBEMDEN – Professeur à l’Université de Liège – Examinateur
M. Arnaud BADEL – Chargé de recherche au CNRS – Encadrant de thèse
M. Pascal TIXADOR – Professeur à Grenoble INP – UGA, Directeur de thèse