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Équipe de recherche

Magnetism and Superconductivity

Systems involving charge, spin or lattice degrees of freedom


The MagSup team was born from the fusion in 2014 of three teams of experimentalists working on condensed matter physics, from fundamental properties to applications. Over the last five years, we have strengthened our ties within the team while the diversity of cultures of the three original groups allowed novel fruitful approaches. Our team is the largest of the Neel Institute, with 25 CNRS and University researchers and more than 10 student and post-docs.

The research activity of the team can be decomposed into four main topics:

Our objective is to understand and to manipulate the fundamental properties, which emerge from microscopic interactions and or from the interplay between several degrees of freedom (charge, spin, orbital, lattice) in a great variety of strongly correlated electrons systems. These are materials such as transition metals oxides, compounds of actinides or rare-earths, or disordered systems. These systems exhibit unconventional properties of magnetism, superconductivity, charge orderings, with several coexisting orders sometimes strongly coupled and/or in competition due to magnetic frustration. Our microscopic understanding of the fundamental states and associated excitations is established in strong connection with theoreticians and allows us, in collaboration with chemists, to foresee and study in depth new systems. Eventually, we simulate and manipulate the functionalities of these materials to create new devices.

We also develop an original instrumentation in the laboratory and use large scale facilities (neutron sources, synchrotron, intense magnetic field), in extreme conditions of magnetic fields, (low) temperature and pressure. The team is perfectly established in its Grenoble environment. It interacts narrowly through experimental developments and joint doctoral and scientific projects, within Institut Néel, but also with the LNCMI, G2Elab, CEA’s IRIG teams and European large scale facilities, ESRF and ILL. We also play an essential role in structuring and animating local, national and international science in organising seminars, conferences and schools, but also in participating in commissions and management positions.