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Nanophysics and Semiconductors

NPSC explores new physical phenomena, related to photons, electrons and spin, at quantum scale, in II-VI and III-V semiconductors nanostructures



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The team Nanophysics and Semiconductors (NPSC) is not only one of the research team at Institut NEEL, but it is also a joint research group between Institut NEEL-CNRS and IRIG-CEA (previously INAC-CEA). The history of the team goes back to 1986: a joint team CNRS-CEA, involving altogether about 10 researchers, was created at that time to develop the Molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of II-VI semiconductors. Over the years, the focus and size of the team has enlarged and its name changed. The joint team NPSC has now about 65 members including PhD students and postdocs. Among the permanent researchers of the joint team, 18 are affiliated to Institut NEEL, 10 are affiliated to CEA-IRIG.
NPSC mainly focuses on fundamental research in nanoscience, exploring new physical phenomena, and sometimes their potential applications, related to quantum confinement in low-dimensional II-VI and III-V semiconductor heterostructures. These studies rely on research activities dedicated both to the fabrication and to the physical studies of high-quality samples. The expertise of the team is based on arsenide, nitride, selenide and telluride compounds, using advanced epitaxial techniques (MBE, metal organic chemical vapor deposition MOCVD), technological processing, structural characterization, as well as state-of-the-art optical spectroscopy setups. The activity is also supported by theoretical developments in quantum mechanics.
In recent years, our research has included for instance the growth of nanowires made of different compounds, the development of materials emitting from THz to UV, as well as semiconductor QDs for single photon emission or single spin manipulation. We aim at mastering not only specific emitters but also their photonic environment for novel optoelectronics devices. We are particularly interested in single spin manipulation, efficient single photon sources, and coherence in quantum optics.