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Équipe de recherche

Wide bandgap semiconductors

From wide band gap semiconductors to innovative electronic devices: power electronics, light emitting diodes and sensors


Our research group focuses on a family of semiconductors called wide bandgap (GaN and ZnO) and ultra-wide bandgap (diamond, AlN and Ga2O3). The driving force is the development of innovative electronic devices based on these materials for power electronics, light emitting devices and sensors. For this purpose, our activities include fundamental studies such as heterostructures, electron or exciton transport in nanowires, impurity centres or electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity, as well as the technological developments necessary for the fabrication of devices with tailored electronic properties, such as epitaxial growth with in-situ control, nanofabrication, impurity incorporation and gate oxide deposition.


Diamond device

Plasma image during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition diamond growth


Ensemble of AlN nanowires pn junction: contact and electrical measurement